Getting Things Done — Star Magnolias


Welcome! I teach basic needle felting techniques, write fiber processing guides, provide tutorials, and blog about whatever comes to mind (including homeschooling my two kids and my life in general). Oh, and I make things too!

Learn how to needle felt your own coral reef with my new eBook guide in the shop!

Getting Things Done

I finally finished deep cleaning the kitchen today, which also involved reorganizing our homeschool cart (mainly holds art and science supplies) and moving it to my former art room and out of the kitchen, as well as rearranging a few things. I still need to go through the drawers at some point, but for now, I want to focus on moving through the rest of the house.

My thriftbooks order came in today, which is always fun. They've streamlined their shipping it seems - it used to be I would get a book here and there over a few days from the same order. Now, even though they are shipped in several poly bags, this is the second large order to have come all on the same day.

Mainly it was books selected for my son, as my previous order was mostly for my daughter. For his reading this year, I decided to add The Faraway Tree series. I did add a book for myself though…

Art & Fear by David Bayles & Ted Orland. My local library didn't seem to have it, and I heard good things about it. It's less of a how-to-art book, and more of a why-do-art book. I am hoping that it will help me push through some limitations. I am sure I will share my experiences reading it on the blog at some point.

More recombobulation efforts to do tomorrow, so not much art-ing at the moment. I do need to submit a piece to the DickBlick watercolor challenge before I run out of time, now that I've decided which one I'll enter.

Don't You Wish…

Paint What You See